…. this is the story about how I ended up being in England for six months. The easy way to explain is that some how I came to a point in my life where everything became meaningless, spicily my job became very boring and this deep search started in my soul there has be more to this life than what I know and have been told. My prayer life was very weak but God still answered one of my prayers. I wanted to go deeper with my relationship with Him more then that, I understood so little about the Holy Spirit, at this point in time we started a church Oasis Community Church in Chicago how that came to be I start to see the power of God at work but also the power of the evil one so I started this quest in search for God and to experience His power much more.I was hungry for God it came out of nowhere that is how it felt. In this process God brought many new people in my life, one in particular really started to pray for me through him I found about this School of Ministry in England for there you can see has been a total change in my life. Here are few of the things I still remember about the school. Through this people God stirred up my spirit and I was able to experience the power of God that is still molding me now almost 2 years lather. My worship to God totally changed; the prayer life has been energized so much more I could share so much what God did in my heart and how many of the prayers He answered as I was in the school of life. Now I want to take a moment and challenge you if your life is going no where and deep in your spirit you have peace that you need to take a leap of faith and go on a search for God, I challenge you toady be obedient to that prompting your life will never be the same will be the hardest thing you will ever do I am not going to say will be easy after that but I can say your life will start to make sense why you are on this earth and what you were created for…. It will not happen at one time it will happened in part I am still receiving guidance and when I think I know where I am going the road becomes dark so I have to trust the one who brought me on this road to light up my path…If you read this message up to here I can tell you the Holy Spirit is prompting you to make a change in your life your spirit is very hungry for "The Truth" and there is a thirsty for "The Truth" I pray for you right now that the one who brought you here to take you deeper and not let you go until you find "The Truth" You are blessed child of God and He wants to take you home soon….but before that He wants you to experience more of the Love of the Father God…!Jesus came to take you deeper and show you the Father Heart of God how much He loves you ….let today be the day for the one who reads this words Father…my Daddy have mercy the lover of my soul…. answer the cry of there heart!!!
I know this message has been little strange but I felt I needed to write this for you, Yes You…the one reading this message….May you know how deep and wide is the love of the Father!….


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